Two Maps Released for New Northeast Elementary School

The Northeast Area Elementary Boundary Study Committee held a virtual meeting on Wednesday night to release their two proposed boundary maps for the new Northeast Elementary School in Rossville.

The creation of the new school in Rossville will also shift some students in Elmwood, Fullerton, Joppaview, McCormick, Perry Hall Red House Run and Shady Spring elementary school to the new school or one of the existing schools.

This was a similar move in 2018 when Honeygo Elementary School opened and many of the students in the Perry Hall/Carney area were shifted. Honeygo students, along with Seven Oaks, Gundpowder, Chapel Hill or Carney will not be affected by the opening of the new Rossville school.

Perry Hall and Joppaview were will be apart of rezoning again, but it appears different neighborhoods from those schools will be shifted that did not take part in the 2018 rezoning.

BCPS Board of Education Vice Chair Julie Henn released the maps from the meeting on social media.

“The Northeast Area Elementary Boundary Study Committee has been meeting since September 22, 2021, to review and create options for revised attendance boundaries at elementary schools in the Northeast area,” Henn explained.

“The goal is to relieve overcrowding through additional seats at a new Northeast elementary school located near the intersection of Rossville Boulevard and Gum Spring Road and a replacement building of Red House Run Elementary School.”

Option 1

Option 2

The two options are also available on the Interactive Mapping Tool (View School Zones – Select Elementary Option 1 or Elementary Option 2)

BCPS is looking for feedback from the community for both options.